February 11, 2015


Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Relief Projects India

Usilampatti block  has a  high prevalence  HIV infection. RPI has taken steps to increase awareness about HIV in the intervention area. As a continuation of this program,  one more HIV awareness program was conducted. 

The session covers the basic information about HIV, mode of transmission, testing facilities, prevention and treatment. They asked various questions like marriage and child birth of PLHIV. It was explained about ART drugs, opportunistic infection management, CD4 test and prevention of parent to child transmission. They said hereafter they will not stigmatize PLHIV. They said they received knowledge about HIV through this session and it  is very useful to them.

February 4, 2015

Swachh Bharat Clean Up Campaign in our Local Villages

Wednesday, February 04, 2015 Relief Projects India

We launched 'Swachh Bharat" in our local villages. The Village Administrative Office joined us for the occasion, as well as the head mistress of the government school,  and the area near and around the government school was cleaned up. Lots of people joined in to help. This will be an on-going program which seeks to introduce permanent changes and solutions for cleaning up the villages.

The Village Administrative Office kicked off the clean up by having a go with the 'whipper snapper,'-a quick efficient way to clear the overgrown grass.